SML module date: Aug 8 2006
Function Groups
- abs
- Absolute value
- acos
- Trigonometric arccosine
- acosd
- Trigonometric arccosine (degree version)
- acosh
- Hyperbolic arccosine
- acoth
- Hyperbolic arccotangent
- acsch
- Hyperbolic arccosecant
- asech
- Hyperbolic arcsecant
- asin
- Trigonometric arcsine
- asind
- Trigonometric arcsine (degree version)
- asinh
- Hyperbolic arcsine
- atan
- Trigonometric arctangent
- atan2
- Trigonometric arctangent
- atand
- Trigonometric arctangent (degree version)
- atanh
- Hyperbolic arctangent
- Bound
- Force a value into given range.
- ceil
- Round decimal up to integer
- ConvertPolartoXY
- Converts polar coordinates to rectangular (radians).
- ConvertPolartoXYd
- Converts polar coordinates to rectangular (degrees).
- ConvertSphericaltoXYZ
- Converts polar coordinates to rectangular (radians).
- ConvertSphericaltoXYZd
- Converts polar coordinates to rectangular (degrees).
- ConvertXYtoPolar
- Converts rectangular coordinates to polar (radians).
- ConvertXYtoPolard
- Converts rectangular coordinates to polar (degrees).
- ConvertXYZtoSpherical
- Converts rectangular coordinates to spherical (radians).
- ConvertXYZtoSphericald
- Converts rectangular coordinates to spherical (degrees).
- CopyArrayElements
- Copies a given range of elements form one array into another.
- cos
- Trigonometric cosine
- cosd
- Trigonometric cosine (degree version)
- cosh
- Hyperbolic cosine
- csc
- Trigonometric cosecant
- cscd
- Trigonometric cosecant (degree version)
- ctn
- Trigonometric cotangent
- ctnd
- Trigonometric cotangent (degree version)
- Displacement3D
- Calculate the distance, azimuth, and elevation from the first point to the second (radians).
- Displacement3Dd
- Calculate the distance, azimuth, and elevation from the first point to the second (degrees).
- exp
- Exponential (e to the power of x)
- exp10
- Exponential (10 to the power of x)
- floor
- Round decimal down to integer
- GetUnitConvAngle
- Get scale factor for angle unit conversions.
- GetUnitConvArea
- Get scale factor for area unit conversions.
- GetUnitConvDist
- Get scale factor for distance unit conversions.
- GetUnitConvVolume
- Get scale factor for volume unit.
- hypot
- Find hypotenuse of right triangle
- int
- Integer portion of argument (truncate)
- IsNull
- Does the argument have the value NULL?
- LinearRegression
- Calculate the linear regression coeficients for a group of points.
- log
- Natural logarithm of argument
- log10
- Base 10 logarithm of argument
- PolynomialCurveFit
- Computes an equation of given power that best fits the given points.
- pow
- Return x to the power of y
- rand
- Returns random value between zero (0) and x
- RandomGaussian
- Computes a pair of random numbers based on a normal distibution.
- ResizeArrayClear
- Resize a one dimensional array ( a[col] ), or two dimensional array ( a[row, col] )
- ResizeArrayPreserve
- Resize a one dimensional array ( a[col] ), or two dimensional array ( a[row, col] )
- round
- Round x to nearest integer
- sec
- Trigonometric secant
- secd
- Trigonometric secant (degree version)
- Sign
- Return -, 0 or 1 depending on sign of argument
- sin
- Trigonometric sine
- sind
- Trigonometric sine (degree version)
- sinh
- Hyperbolic sine
- Solve
- Gaussian elimination solution of system of linear equations
- sqr
- Return the square of the argument
- sqrt
- Returns the (positive) square root of the argument
- tan
- Trigonometric tangent
- tand
- Trigonometric tangent (degree version)
- tanh
- Hyperbolic tangent
- Date
- Returns the current date in YYYYMMDD format
- DateDiff
- Returns number of days between two dates
- DateToJulian
- Converts YYYYMMDD format to Julian date
- DateToString
- Convert a number date to a string.
- JulianDate
- Returns the current Julian date
- JulianToDate
- Converts Julian date to YYYYMMDD format
- SetMajority
- Most frequently occurring value among arguments
- SetMax
- Returns the largest of argument values
- SetMean
- Returns average of argument values
- SetMedian
- Returns the median of argument values
- SetMin
- Returns minimum value among arguments
- SetMinority
- Least frequently occurring value among arguments
- SetNum
- Returns the total number of elements
- SetSD
- Returns standard deviation of argument values
- SetSum
- Returns sum of arguments
- SetVariance
- Returns statistical variance of argument values
- SetVariety
- Returns number of different values among arguments
- DegToStr
- Convert degrees to a string, in degrees, minutes, seconds format
- FileNameGetExt
- Returns file extension portion of path qualified filename
- FileNameGetName
- Returns filename portion of path qualified filename
- FileNameGetPath
- Returns path portion of path qualified filename
- GetToken
- Get the nth token from a string
- left$
- Return leftmost n characters of string
- mid$
- Return n characters of string$ starting at m
- NumberTokens
- Returns number of tokens in a string - used to loop through them
- NumToStr
- Convert a number to a string
- right$
- Return right-most n characters of string$
- sprintf
- Assign formatted text to a string variable
- strlen
- Returns number of characters in string variable
- StrToDeg
- Convert string in degrees, minutes, seconds format to decimal degrees
- StrToNum
- Return numerical value of string with number in it
- tolower$
- Convert string to lower case
- toupper$
- Convert string to upper case
- CloseDatabase
- Close an open database instance
- DatabaseCreate
- Create a 'standalone' database object
- DatabaseGetTableInfo
- Get database table information
- FieldGetInfoByName
- Returns a field class given the field name.
- FieldGetInfoByNumber
- Returns a field class given the field number.
- NumRecords
- Returns number of records in database table
- OpenCADDatabase
- Open the database subobject of a CAD object
- OpenDatabase
- Open a main level database
- OpenRasterDatabase
- Returns a database class for functions that need one.
- OpenTINDatabase
- Open the database subobject of a TIN object
- OpenVectorLineDatabase
- Returns a database class for functions that need one.
- OpenVectorNodeDatabase
- Opens the Node database of the specified vector
- OpenVectorPointDatabase
- Open a Vector point database
- OpenVectorPolyDatabase
- Returns a database class for functions that need one.
- RecordDelete
- Delete one or more records.
- TableAddField
- Append a field to a table
- TableAddFieldFloat
- Add a new field of type float.
- TableAddFieldInteger
- Add a new field of type Integer.
- TableAddFieldString
- Add a new field of type string.
- TableCopy
- Copy a database table from one object's database to another
- TableCopyToDBASE
- Copy a database table to a DBASE file
- TableCreate
- Creates an empty table. Use TableAddField???() functions to add fields to it.
- TableDelete
- Drops a table from its database
- TableExists
- Returns 1 if table exists, 0 if table doesn't exist
- TableGetInfo
- Returns a table class.
- TableGetRecordElementList
- Get list of elements with a given record attached or related
- TableGetRecordListElementList
- Get list of elements to which a given list of records are attached or related
- TableInsertFieldFloat
- Add a new field of type float but inserts it before field "before".
- TableInsertFieldInteger
- Add a new field of type integer but inserts it before field "before".
- TableInsertFieldString
- Add a new field of type string but inserts it before field "before".
- TableKeyFieldLookup
- Find the first record in a table that matches a given value
- TableKeyFieldLookupList
- Find the set of record in a table that matches a given value
- TableLinkDBASE
- Makes a link to a dBase file.
- TableNewRecord
- Add new record to a database
- TableOpen
- Open a database table
- TableReadAttachment
- Returns records that are attached to or related to a given element in a object
- TableReadFieldNum
- Read a number from a table (using DBTABLEINFO)
- TableReadFieldStr
- Read a string from a table (using DBTABLEINFO)
- TableRemoveAttachment
- Detaches records from an element in a object
- TableRemoveDuplicateRecords
- Deletes duplicate records from the table
- TableRemoveUnattachedRecords
- Deletes unattached records from the table
- TableTriggerRecordChangedCallback
- Mark an externally altered record/table as changed
- TableWriteAttachment
- Attaches records in a table to an element in a object
- TableWriteField
- Write the value of an given field to an existing database record
- TableWriteRecord
- Write values to an existing database record
- AreaCorrelatePoint
- Adjust point position of Raster to match known position in refererence Raster
- Binarization
- Calculates a raster binarization on an 8 or 4 bit raster
- CloseRaster
- Close an open raster
- ColScale
- Get horizontal computed size of raster cell
- ComputeMeanRaster
- The output raster contains the mean value (at each cell) of all of the inputs.
- ComputeRasterProperties
- Compute Raster attribute tables from a Vector object
- ComputeReliefShading
- Compute relief shading of the input raster
- ComputeSlopeAspectShading
- Compute slope/aspect/shading from elevation Raster
- ComputeStdDevRaster
- The standard deviation (at each cell) of all of the inputs is assigned to the output raster.
- ConvertCompToComp
- Converts the color depth of a raster to another color depth.
- ConvertRGBToComposite
- Converts and RGB raster to an 8 or 4 bit composite
- CreateHistogram
- Create a histogram for a Raster
- CreatePyramid
- Create a pyramid for the given raster object
- CreateRaster
- Create a new raster
- CreateRasterBinaryMask
- Crete a binary mask raster
- CreateRasterFromObject
- Create a Raster to match a given Object.
- CreateRasterMask
- Crete a mask raster (for use as a transparancy mask)
- CreateTempRaster
- Create a raster in RAM
- DeleteContrast
- Delete contrast subobjects of the given raster object
- DeleteHistogram
- Delete histogram subobject of the given raster object
- DeletePyramid
- Delete pyramid subobject of the given raster object
- DeleteTempRaster
- Delete a raster that has been created with CreateTempRaster()
- GetInputRaster
- Use a File/Object selection dialog to select an input Raster
- GetInputRasters
- Get more than one raster.
- GetMaxPossibleValue
- Get the maximum possible data value in the raster
- GetMinPossibleValue
- Get the minimum possible data value in the raster
- GetOutputRaster
- Use a File/Object selection dialog to select an output Raster
- HasNull
- Does a raster object have an assigned NULL value or NULL Mask?
- HasNullMask
- Does a raster object have a NULL mask?
- HasNullValue
- Does a raster object have an assigned NULL value?
- HistogramGetSampleInterval
- Returns the sample interval used when the histogram is created.
- IgnoreNull
- Do not report NULLs in raster object
- LinScale
- Vertical computed size of raster cell
- MultiRegression
- Computes coefficients of multilinear regression equations on a set of rasters
- NullValue
- Value (if any) assigned as NULL for a raster object
- NumCols
- Number of columns in a raster object
- NumLins
- Number of lines (rows) in a raster object
- OpenRaster
- Open an existing raster file, putting it in Raster
- OpenRasterObject
- Open a raster given object from SelectInputObject()
- PackRGB
- Pack an color into a single number
- PrincipleComponents
- Computes principal component transformation matrix for a set of rasters
- PrincipleComponentsExt
- Compute principle components and statistics
- RasterApplyContrast
- Applies a contrast table to a raster.
- RasterApplyContrast2
- Applies a contrast table to a raster.
- RasterCompress
- Copy compressed source raster to the destination raster
- RasterCopy
- Copy all or part of a raster (with optional parameters)
- RasterExists
- Determine if a Raster exists. Made obsolete by ObjectExists()
- RasterFloodFill
- Does a flood fill at a cell location. This changes all equal adjacent cell values to the one specified.
- RasterGetSolidAreaSize
- Finds the total number of contiguous cells sharing the seed point's cell value.
- RasterLinearCombination
- Creates Rasters that are linear combinations of input Rasters
- RasterToBinaryViewshed
- Computes viewshed from elevation Raster object
- RastType
- Returns data type code of a raster object
- ReadHistogram
- Read raster's histogram into array
- ResampleRasterToCellSize
- Copies, transforms and resamples cells to new raster
- ResampleRasterToMatch
- Create a new raster
- SelectInputObject
- Popup dialog to select an object
- SetNull
- Assign NULL value of Raster to be x
- SetScale
- Assign defined vertical and horizontal cell size
- UnpackRGB
- Converts a composite raster cell value to a COLOR
- UseNull
- Recognize and use assigned NULL value of raster object
- CloseVector
- Close a Vector object.
- CreateTempVector
- Create a temporary Vector object.
- CreateVector
- Create a Vector without using a dialog using same flags as GetOutputVector().
- FindClosestLabel
- Find closest Vector label.
- FindClosestLine
- Return line element closest to x,y coordinates
- FindClosestNode
- Return node element closest to x,y coordinates
- FindClosestPoint
- Return point element closest to x,y coordinates
- FindClosestPoly
- Return polygon element closest to x,y coordinates
- GenerateCrossSection
- Generate a vector cross section
- GetInputVector
- Use a File/Object selection dialog to select an input Vector
- GetInputVectorList
- Get multiple Vector objects.
- GetOutputVector
- Open a vector object for use with vector toolkit funtions
- GetVectorLine
- Returns the polyine given the line element number.
- GetVectorLinePointList
- Returns (via arrays 'xarray' and 'yarray', and optional 'zarray') a list of points in a line.
- GetVectorNodeLineList
- Returns (via array 'lines') a list of lines attached to node.
- GetVectorPoly
- Returns a polyine given the polygon element number.
- GetVectorPolyAdjacentPolyList
- Returns list of all polygons that share a common line with a given polygon in a vector object
- GetVectorPolyIslandList
- Returns (via array 'islands') a list of islands of a polygon.
- GetVectorPolyLineList
- Returns (via array 'lines') a list of lines forming a polygon
- NumVectorLabels
- Returns number of labels in a vector object
- NumVectorLines
- Returns number of lines in vector object
- NumVectorNodes
- Returns number of nodes in vector object
- NumVectorPoints
- Returns number of points in vector object
- NumVectorPolys
- Returns number of polygons in vector object
- OpenInputVectorList
- Open multiple Vector objects
- OpenVector
- Open a Vector without using a dialog using same flags as GetOutputVector().
- VectMerge
- Merge two or more Vector objects
- VectorAND
- Returns Vector that is the logical result of two input vectors
- VectorCopyElements
- Returns Vector with elements from Source that meet the query selection criteria
- VectorElementInRegion
- Tests a Vector element against a region.
- VectorExists
- Determines if vector object exists in project file. Made obsolete by ObjectExists()
- VectorExtract
- Returns Vector that is the result of the operator applied to the source
- VectorIsEquivalent
- Determine if two Vector objects are equivalent
- VectorLabelAddTextStyle
- Add a new TextStyle and assign this label to use it
- VectorLabelGetBaseline
- Get the baseline of the label as a Polyline
- VectorLabelGetHeight
- Get the height of the label in object units
- VectorLabelGetString
- Get the label text as a string
- VectorLabelGetTextStyle
- Get the TextSyle object assosiated with the label
- VectorLabelSetBaseline
- Set the baseline of a label by a polyline
- VectorLabelSetHeight
- Set the height of the label in object units
- VectorLabelSetString
- Set the text of the label using a string
- VectorLabelSetTextStyle
- Set the TextStyle that
- VectorOR
- Returns Vector that is the logical result of two input vectors
- VectorReplace
- Returns Vector that is the logical result of two input vectors
- VectorSubtract
- Returns Vector that is the logical result of two input vectors
- VectorToolkitInit
- Initialize an open Vector object for use with vector toolkit functions.
- VectorWarp
- Warp the SourceVector from the transparm's source to destination projection
- VectorXOR
- Returns Vector that is the logical result of two input vectors
- CopyObject
- Copy object and all of its subobjects.
- CopyObjectWithoutSubobjects
- Same as CopyObject() except no subobjects are copied.
- CopySubobjects
- Copy subobjects from the source object to the destination object
- CreateProjectFile
- Create a project file
- DeleteObject
- Deletes an object, (and all subobjects), by object number
- DeleteSubobjects
- Deletes subobjects from raster
- DisableCredentialsPopup
- Disable the popup that pompts the user for the credential members.
- FindInvalidObjects
- Search the rvc file for invalid objects
- GetAllObjectNames
- Get a list of all the object names in an RVC file
- GetAllObjectNumbers
- Determines if object exists in project file
- GetObjectDescription
- Gets the description of an object by object number
- GetObjectExtents
- Returns the x and y extents for a CAD, TIN, vector, or raster object
- GetObjectExtentsRegion
- Get the extents of an object as a region
- GetObjectFileName
- Returns the path qualified RVC file name for an object.
- GetObjectName
- Gets the name of an object by object number
- GetObjectNumber
- Returns the object number for a Raster, Vector, TIN, or CAD object
- GetObjectSize
- Get the number of bytes in an object
- GetObjectZExtents
- Returns the z extents for a CAD, TIN, or vector object
- MakeRVCFolder
- Creates a folder in an RVC project.
- ObjectExists
- Determines if object exists in project file
- ObjectNumber
- Returns an object number used by several object and display functions
- PackRVC
- Compresses the rvc file eliminating unused space
- ProjectFileIsLocked
- Returns true if the Project file is locked
- ReadMetaData
- Returns an object's metadata as a string
- RecoverProjectFile
- Recover project file copying to a new file
- SetObjectDescription
- Changes the description of an object
- SetObjectName
- Change the object name of an existing object
- SubObjectNumber
- Returns an object number used by several object and display functions (similar to GetObjectNumber() but looks under "parent" object for valid subobject)
- WriteMetaData
- Writes metadata to an object
- AddMatrix
- Adds two matrices - (matrixOut = matrixLeft + matrixRight)
- AddMatrixScaler
- Adds scalar to each element of a matrix
- CreateMatrix
- Creates a matrix - returns a valid matrix handle
- DestroyMatrix
- Destroys a previously created matrix
- GetMatrixColSize
- Returns the number of columns in a matrix
- GetMatrixItem
- Returns value of matrix element
- GetMatrixRowSize
- Returns the number of rows in a matrix
- InvertMatrix
- Inverts a matrix
- MultiplyMatrix
- Multiplies two matrices - (matrixOut = matrixLeft * matrixRight)
- MultiplyMatrixScaler
- Multiplies each element of a matrix by a scaler
- SetMatrixItem
- Sets the element of a matrix to a value.
- SubMatrix
- Subtracts two matrices - (matrixOut = matrixLeft - matrixRight)
- TransposeMatrix
- Transposes rows and columns of a matrix
- CopyGeorefToObject
- Write a georeference subobject
- CreateControlPointGeoref
- Creates a control point georeference object.
- CreateControlPointGeorefDefaultAccuracy
- Same as CreateControlPointGeoref but without accuracy parameters
- CreateControlPointGeorefFromGeoref
- Creates a control point georeference object using an existing georeference for the projection system.
- CreateImpliedGeoref
- Create an implied georeference subobject
- CreateSimpleGeoref
- Create simple raster georeference
- DeleteGeoref
- Delete georef subobjects of the given object
- GeorefAlloc
- Allocate a new georeference handle
- GeorefAngleToNorth
- Returns the angle between north and a line from center to x,y
- GeorefFree
- Free georeference object
- GeorefGetParms
- Open dialog for selecting georeference subobject
- GeorefSetCoordRefSys
- Set the coordinate reference system for this georeference
- GeorefSetProjection
- Set the projection of a Georef
- GeorefTrans
- Transform point from one map projection to another
- GetGeorefObject
- Return a handle to the georeference subobject
- GetLastUsedGeorefObject
- Return the most recently used georeference subobject
- MapToObject
- Transform georeferenced location from map coordinates to object coordinates
- ObjectToMap
- Transform object coordinates to georeferenced location
- ProjDistanceToMeters
- Compute distance in meters between two points in specified projection. If the coordinate system is Latitude-Longitude the distance along a geodetic is returned (actual distance over curved surface).
- ReadControlPoints
- Reads the control points of the last used georeference attached to an object
- TransPoint2D
- Transform 2D point using transparm
- WriteControlPoints
- Write control points to the last used georeference attached to an object
- ColorMapFromRastVar
- Read colormap from under raster.
- ColorMapGetColor
- Get a color from a colormap
- ColorMapSetColor
- Set a colormap color given a class color structure.
- ColorMapSetColorHIS
- Set a colormap color to given HIS values.
- ColorMapSetColorRGB
- Set a colormap color to given RGB values.
- ColorMapWriteToRastVar
- Write a colormap under a raster.
- CloseStyleObject
- Close a Style Object
- OpenStyleObject
- Open a Style Object
- OpenStyleSubObject
- Open a Sub-Object of a Style Object
- StyleReadBitmapPattern
- Read a BITMAPPATTERN from a style object
- StyleReadHatchPattern
- Read a hatch pattern from a style object
- StyleReadLinePattern
- Read a LINEPATTERN from a style object
- StyleReadLineStyle
- Read a line style from a style object
- StyleReadPointStyle
- Read a point style from a style object
- StyleReadPointSymbol
- Read a POINTSYMBOL from a style object
- StyleReadPolyStyle
- Read a polygon style from a style object
- StyleReadTextStyle
- Read a text style from a style object
- AddCallback
- Add a user defined callback
- Exit
- Exit the script (calls functions registered with OnExit).
- GetLastError
- Get the last error encountered in the script to test if a function succeeded
- OnExit
- Register function to call just before script exits.
- run
- Runs another command
- RunAssociatedApplication
- Runs application associated with passed file
- RunSML
- Run an SML script
- sleep
- Pause execution for a number of seconds.
- WaitForExit
- Suspend script but process callbacks and events.
- ConvertCMYKtoRGB
- Convert Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black to Red-Green-Blue
- ConvertHBStoRGB
- Convert hue, brightness, saturation to red, green, blue
- ConvertHIStoRGB
- Convert from hue, intensity, saturation to red, green, blue
- ConvertHSVtoRGB
- Convert hue, saturation, value to red, green, blue
- ConvertRGBtoHBS
- Convert red, green, blue, to hue, brightness, saturation
- ConvertRGBtoHIS
- Convert from red, green, blue to hue, intensity, saturation
- ConvertRGBtoHSV
- Convert red, green, blue to hue, saturation, value
- CreateStatusDialog
- Create a status dialog
- DlgGetObject
- Object selection dialog for user to select a single object.
- DlgGetObjects
- Object selection dialog for user to select an unspecified number of objects.
- DlgGetObjectSet
- Object selection dialog for user to select a specified number of objects.
- GetInputObject
- Popup dialog to select an object and return info.
- GetOutputObject
- Prompt the user for an output object
- PopupError
- Displays a popup window and displays the text associated with error_code
- PopupMessage
- Open popup window with message and [OK] choice
- PopupNum
- Open popup window asking for a number
- PopupSelectTable
- Popup dialog for database table selection
- PopupSelectTableField
- Popup dialog for user to select a table and field
- PopupString
- Open popup window asking for a string
- PopupYesNo
- Open popup window asking for a yes or no input
- PopupYesNoCancel
- Open popup window asking for a yes, no or cancel
- CADAttachDBRecord
- Attach a database record to a CAD element
- CADCreateBlock
- Create a new CAD block for element insertion
- CADElementInRegion
- Tests a CAD element against a region.
- CADElementType
- Returns type of CAD element.
- CADGetElementList
- Get list of all elements of a given type in a block
- CADInsertBlock
- Create a new CAD block for element insertion
- CADNumBlocks
- Returns number of blocks in a CAD object
- CADNumElements
- Returns number of elements of all types in CAD object block
- CADReadArc
- Reads an arc
- CADReadArcChord
- Reads an arc chord
- CADReadArcWedge
- Reads an arc wedge
- CADReadBox
- Reads a polygon box
- CADReadCircle
- Reads a circle
- CADReadEllipse
- Reads an ellipse
- CADReadEllipticalArc
- Reads an elliptical arc
- CADReadEllipticalArcChord
- Reads an elliptical arc chord
- CADReadEllipticalArcWedge
- Reads an elliptical arc wedge.
- CADReadLine
- Reads a line
- CADReadPoint
- Reads a single point
- CADReadPoly
- Reads a polygon
- CADReadPolyLine
- Read a cad element into the polyline
- CADReadText
- Reads a single line of text
- CADUnattachDBRecord
- Attach a database record to a CAD element
- CADWriteArc
- Creates an arc
- CADWriteArcChord
- Creates an arc chord
- CADWriteArcWedge
- Creates an arc wedge
- CADWriteBox
- Creates a polygon from lower left and upper right corner points
- CADWriteCircle
- Creates a circle
- CADWriteEllipse
- Creates an ellipse
- CADWriteEllipticalArc
- Creates an elliptical arc
- CADWriteEllipticalArcChord
- Creates an elliptical arc chord
- CADWriteEllipticalArcWedge
- Creates an elliptical arc wedge
- CADWriteLine
- Creates a line
- CADWritePoint
- Creates a single point
- CADWritePoly
- Creates a polygon
- CADWritePolyLine
- Write a cad element from a given polyline
- CADWriteText
- Creates a single line of text
- CloseCAD
- Closes a previously opened CAD object
- CreateCAD
- Create a CAD object
- GetInputCAD
- Use a File/Object selection dialog to select an input CAD
- GetOutputCAD
- Opens a CAD object for reading or writing
- OpenCAD
- Open a CAD object given a filename and objectname
- CloseTIN
- Close an open TIN object
- CreateTIN
- Create a new TIN object
- GetInputTIN
- Use a File/Object selection dialog to select an input TIN
- GetOutputTIN
- Use a File/Object selection dialog to select an output TIN
- OpenTIN
- Open a TIN object
- TINAddNode
- Add a node to a TIN object
- TINCreateFromNodes
- Create a new TIN object from a list of nodes
- TINDeleteEdgeAndMakeHole
- Delete an edge from a TIN object and create a hole
- TINDeleteNode
- Delete a node from a TIN object without creating hole
- TINDeleteNodeAndMakeHole
- Delete a node from a TIN object and create a hole
- TINDeleteTriangleAndMakeHole
- Delete a triangle from a TIN object and create a hole
- TINDeleteTrianglesInPolygon
- Delete TIN triangles inside a polygon
- TINElementInRegion
- Tests a TIN element against a region.
- TINGetConnectedEdgeList
- Returns list of all edges connected to a given node
- TINGetConnectedNodeList
- Returns list of all nodes connected to a given node
- TINGetEdgeExtents
- Return x and y extents of a edge
- TINGetEdgeNodesAndTriangles
- Returns nodes and left and right triangles for a given edge
- TINGetNodeExtents
- Return x and y coordinates of a node
- TINGetNodeZValue
- Returns z value for a node
- TINGetSurroundTriangleList
- Get the list of triangles surrounding a TIN node
- TINGetTriangleExtents
- Return x and y extents of a triangle
- TINGetTriangleNodesAndEdges
- Returns the nodes and edges that make up a given triangle
- TINGetTrianglesInPolygon
- Get a list of TIN triangles in a polygon
- TINNumberEdges
- Returns number of edges in a TIN object
- TINNumberHulls
- Returns number of hulls in a TIN object
- TINNumberNodes
- Returns number of nodes in a TIN object
- TINNumberTriangles
- Returns number of triangles in a TIN object
- TINSetNodeZValue
- Sets z value for a node
- CopyFile
- Copy a file
- CreateDir
- Create a directory
- CreateTempFileName
- Create a temporary file name.
- DeleteFile
- Delete a file.
- fclose
- Close a file previously opened with fopen()
- feof
- Detects end of file
- fexists
- Checks for existence and i/o mode of file
- fgetline$
- Get next line of text from a text file
- fgetnum
- Get next number from text file
- fopen
- Open text file
- fprint
- Print unformated text or values to text file
- fprintf
- Print formatted text or values to text file
- fread
- Read raw bytes a from a file.
- freadbyte
- Read a byte from a file or port.
- freadstring
- Read a string from a file.
- fwrite
- Write unformated data to a file.
- fwritebyte
- Write a byte to a file or port.
- fwritestring
- Write a string to a file.
- GetDirectory
- Popup a dialog for selecting a directory
- GetInputFileName
- Popup dialog to select a file
- GetInputTextFile
- Open or create a text file for input/output via dialog
- GetOutputFileName
- Popup dialog to select an output file.
- GetOutputTextFile
- Open a text file for output via dialog
- PortAddCallback
- Used to register functions to call when data is available.
- PortClose
- Close a port.
- PortOpen
- Open a port.
- RenameFile
- Rename a file.
- ScriptResourceReadFull
- Read a text file from a text subobject under the script or a file in the same directory
- TextFileReadFull
- Read an entire text file into a string (keep the size "reasonable")
- IniClose
- Close an ini file
- IniOpenFile
- Open an ini file
- IniOpenObject
- Open an RVC text object
- IniOpenScriptResource
- Open an INI file as a subobject of the script or file in same directory
- IniReadNumber
- Read a number from an ini file
- IniReadString
- Read a string from an ini file
- IniWriteNumber
- Write a number to an ini file
- IniWriteString
- Write a string to an ini file
- ResourceAugment
- Add specified file to text resource set
- ResourceLookupLabel
- Lookup a labelString resource from tntxres.txt
- ResourceLookupMessage
- Lookup a message from messages.txt
- ResourceLookupTitle
- Lookup a title resource from tntxres.txt
- MovieAddFrame
- Add frame to movie
- MovieExit
- Finalize movie handle
- MovieGetFileExt
- Get File Extension
- MovieInit
- Initialize movie handle (returns handle)
- MovieSetFormat
- Set movie format
- MovieSetFrameHeight
- Set movie frame height
- MovieSetFrameRate
- Set movie frame rate
- MovieSetFrameWidth
- Set movie frame width
- MovieStart
- Start movie
- MovieStop
- Stop movie
- ViewActivateTool
- Activate a given tool.
- ViewAddStandardTools
- Add "standard" tools to a view.
- ViewAddToolIcons
- Create icons for tools added.
- ViewDestroy
- Destroy a view.
- ViewGetMapScale
- Get the current map scale of a view.
- ViewGetTransLayerToScreen
- Get transformation from layer to screen.
- ViewGetTransLayerToView
- Get transformation from layer to screen.
- ViewGetTransMapToView
- Get the transparm to translate between a map projection and view coordinates
- ViewGetTransViewToScreen
- Get transformation from view to screen.
- ViewRedraw
- Redraw view.
- ViewRedrawDirect
- Draw view direct with drawflags
- ViewRedrawFull
- Redraw view (full).
- ViewRedrawIfNeeded
- Redraw a view (but only if it has changed since last redraw)
- ViewRedrawLayer
- Redraw the specified layer in the view
- ViewSaveSnapshot
- Save a snapshot of a view.
- ViewSetGPS
- Set the GPS source for a view
- ViewSetMapScale
- Set the mapscale for a view (for next redraw).
- ViewSetMessage
- Set message in status line at bottom of view.
- ViewSetStatusBar
- Set status bar at bottom of view.
- ViewStatusBarClear
- Clear the status bar.
- ViewTransPointLayerToView
- Translate a point from layer coordinates to view coordinates.
- ViewTransPointViewToLayer
- Translate a point from layer view to layer coordinates.
- ViewZoom1X
- Set view to 1X zoom and redraw.
- ViewZoomFull
- Zoom to show full extents of view
- ViewZoomIn
- Zoom in on view.
- ViewZoomOut
- Zoom out on view.
- ViewZoomToGroup
- Zoom so that a given group fills the view
- ViewZoomToLayer
- Zoom so that a given layer fills the view
- LayoutCreate
- Create a display or hardcopy layout
- LayoutCreateView
- Create a view for a layout.
- LayoutDestroy
- Destroy a layout and all the groups in it
- LayoutGetGroupByName
- Get a group pointer given group name.
- LayoutPageSetupDialog
- Popup page setup dialog for a layout
- LayoutPrint
- Print a layout
- LayoutRead
- Read a saved display layout from a file
- LayoutWrite
- Save a display layout to a file
- DispCreate2DGroup
- Create a 2d group on a display.
- GroupAttachHorizontal
- Set horizontal position of display group in layout
- GroupAttachVertical
- Set vertical position of display group in layout
- GroupCreate
- Create a group
- GroupCreate3DView
- Create a 3d view of a group.
- GroupCreateLayerManagerForm
- Create layer manager as a form, (not a dialog)
- GroupCreateView
- Create a 2d view of a group.
- GroupDestroy
- Destroy a group.
- GroupGetLayerByName
- Get a layer pointer given the layer name.
- GroupOpenLayerManagerWindow
- Create "layer manager" dialog
- GroupRead
- Read a saved display group from a file
- GroupRemoveAllLayers
- Remove all layers from a group.
- GroupRemoveLayer
- Remove a single layer from a group
- GroupSetActiveLayer
- Set the active layer for a group
- GroupWrite
- Save a display group to a file
- CADLayerGetObject
- Set a CAD variable to point to the CAD object from a CADLayer
- CADLayerSetObject
- Change the object used by a CAD layer
- DispAddButtons
- Adds custom buttons to a display
- DispAddCallback
- Register function to call when an action happens on a view.
- DispAddRaster
- Adds a raster layer to a display window
- DispAddRasterVar
- Same as DispAddRaster() except uses SML raster variable
- DispAddStandardTools
- Add standard tools to a display, (zoom box, slide view, and measurement)
- DispClose
- Closes the display associated with handle displayNumber
- DispGetMapScale
- Returns the current map scale of the display associated with displayNumber
- DispGetRasterFromLayer
- Get the raster used by a given layer.
- DispGetVectorFromLayer
- Get the vector used by a given layer.
- DispLastButtonPressed
- Returns the label of the last button that was pressed
- DispOpen
- Opens a display and returns a handle to the display
- DispPanTo
- Pan to a given location.
- DispQuickAddCAD
- Adds a CAD layer to display window referenced by displayNumber
- DispQuickAddCADVar
- Quick add a CAD object to a Disp window given a CAD variable
- DispQuickAddRaster
- Adds a raster layer to display window referenced by displayNumber
- DispQuickAddRasterVar
- Same as DispQuickAddRaster() except uses SML raster variable
- DispQuickAddTIN
- Adds a TIN layer to display window referenced by displayNumber
- DispQuickAddTINVar
- Quick add TIN object to a Disp window given a TIN variable
- DispQuickAddVector
- Adds a vector layer to display window referenced by displayNumber
- DispQuickAddVectorVar
- Same as DispQuickAddVector() except uses SML vector variable
- DispRedraw
- Same as clicking "Redraw"
- DispRedrawFull
- Same as clicking "Full view"
- DispRemoveAllLayers
- Removes all layers from display referenced by displayNumber
- DispResetButtons
- Forces system to "forget" last button pressed
- DispSetBackgroundColor
- Set the background color of a display
- DispSetMapScale
- Sets the map scale for a display
- DispSetMessage
- Displays string in message area of display window
- DispSetMinMaxIndexFromGroup
- Set Raster cells to layer index of Raster with largest/smallest cell value in a group
- DispSetName
- Sets the name of a display window
- DispSetStatusBar
- Set the status bar on a standalone display window.
- DispSetTitle
- Displays string in title area of display window
- DispStatusBarClear
- Clear the status bar.
- DispWaitForButtonPress
- Suspend execution and wait until button event
- DispZoom1X
- Same as clicking "Zoom 1X"
- DispZoomIn
- Same as clicking "Zoom In"
- DispZoomOut
- Same as clicking "Zoom Out"
- DispZoomTo
- Pan to a given location.
- GroupAddMapGridLayer
- Add a MapGridLayer to a group
- GroupAddRaster
- Add a raster to a group by name
- GroupAddRasterVar
- Add a raster to a group.
- GroupQuickAddCAD
- Quick add a CAD layer (prompt).
- GroupQuickAddCADVar
- Quick add a CAD layer given a CAD variable
- GroupQuickAddDBPinmap
- Add a database pinmap to a group.
- GroupQuickAddRaster
- Quick add a Raster layer (prompt).
- GroupQuickAddRasterVar
- Quick add a Raster layer given SML variable.
- GroupQuickAddRGBRastersVar
- Quick add a raster layer given 3 raster variables
- GroupQuickAddTIN
- Quick add a TIN layer (prompt).
- GroupQuickAddTINVar
- Quick add a TIN layer given a TIN variable
- GroupQuickAddVector
- Quick add a Vector layer (prompt).
- GroupQuickAddVectorVar
- Quick add a Vector layer given SML variable.
- LayerDestroy
- Destroy a layer.
- LayerHide
- Hide a layer.
- LayerLower
- Lower a layer. Returns 1 if moved, 0 if already at bottom of group.
- LayerOpenControls
- Open layer controls.
- LayerRaise
- Raise a layer. Returns 1 if moved, 0 if already at top of group.
- LayerShow
- Show a layer.
- LayoutAddScaleBarLayer
- Add a ScaleBarLayer to a layout
- LayoutAddTextLayer
- Add a text Layer to a layout
- PinmapLayerFindClosest
- Find the element closest to a given point in a PinmapLayer
- PinmapLayerGetFieldInfo
- Gets field information for a pin map layer
- PinmapLayerOpenDatabase
- Open a pinmap layer database
- PinmapLayerSetObject
- Change the object used by a pinmap layer
- RasterLayerGetObject
- Set a raster variable to point to the raster object from a RasterLayer
- RasterLayerSetObject
- Change the object used by a raster layer
- TINLayerGetObject
- Set a TIN variable to point to the TIN object from a TINLayer
- TINLayerSetObject
- Change the object used by a TIN layer
- ToolAddCallback
- Register function to call for tool events
- ToolSetGPS
- Set the GPS source of a tool
- VectorLayerGetObject
- Set a vector variable to point to the vector object from a VectorLayer
- VectorLayerSetObject
- Change the object used by a vector layer
- View3DAddSimpleControls
- Add simple viewpoint controls to 3D view
- View3DReadPosIni
- Read 3D view settings from ini file.
- View3DWritePosIni
- Write 3D view settings to ini file.
- ViewCreate3DViewPosTool
- Create a 3D view position tool on a view
- ViewCreateExamineRasterTool
- Add Examine Raster tool icon to view.
- ViewCreateHyperIndexTool
- Add HyperIndex tool icon to view.
- ViewCreateLineTool
- Add a line drawing tool to a view
- ViewCreateMeasureTool
- Add Measurement tool icon to view.
- ViewCreateMultiPolygonTool
- Add multiple polygon drawing tool icon to view.
- ViewCreatePointTool
- Create a point tool for the specified view
- ViewCreatePolygonTool
- Add polygon drawing tool icon to view.
- ViewCreatePolyLineTool
- Create a polyline tool for the specified view
- ViewCreateRectangleTool
- Create a tool for selecting a rectangle
- ViewCreateSelectTool
- Create a select tool on a view
- ViewCreateSketchTool
- Add sketch tool icon to view.
- ViewCreateSlideViewTool
- Create tool for sliding a view
- ViewCreateToolBoxTool
- Add the ToolBox tool for a view
- ViewCreateZoomBoxTool
- Create zoom box tool for a view
- ViewDrawPinmapElement
- Draws a single pinmap element
- ViewOpen3DControls
- Open the 3D controls.
- FrameCopy
- Copy an image from source frame to destination frame
- FrameCopyFromView
- Copy an image from view to frame
- FrameCreate
- Create frame by width and height (returns handle)
- FrameCreateFromView
- Create a frame with width and height settings from a view
- FrameCreateGC
- Create a Graphics Context (GC) for a Frame class
- FrameDestroy
- Destroy an open frame handle
- FrameGetHeight
- Get frame height
- FrameGetWidth
- Get frame width
- GPSAddCallback
- Used to register functions to call for GPS actions
- GPSClose
- Close a GPS Port
- GPSGetSourceName
- Return the name of a GPS source given its number
- GPSNumSources
- Return number of GPS sources configured
- GPSOpen
- Open a GPS port
- GPSPortClose
- Obsolete - use GPSClose()
- GPSPortOpen
- Obsolete - use GPSOpen()
- GPSPortRead
- Read data from a GPS port
- GPSSourceManagerOpen
- Popup the GPS Source Manager dialog
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGet
- Get allocated center node from postion
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetAverageImpedance
- Get Allocated center average impedance
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetCapacity
- Get Allocated center capacity
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetColor
- Get allocated center color
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetDemand
- Get Allocated center demand
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetImpedanceDelay
- Get Allocated center impedance delay
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetImpedanceLimit
- Get Allocated center impedance limit
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetMaximumImpedance
- Get Allocated center maximum impedance
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetNumber
- Get number of allocated centers
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetNumberLines
- Get number of lines for an allocated center
- NetworkAllocatedCenterGetPosition
- Get allocated center position given a node
- NetworkAllocatedLineGetNumber
- Get number of allocated lines
- NetworkAllocatedLineGetPosition
- Get allocated line position
- NetworkAllocationClose
- Close an open allocation handle
- NetworkAllocationGetReport
- Get a text report from an allocation handle
- NetworkAllocationGetResultPositionList
- Get allocation position list
- NetworkAllocationGetType
- Get allocation type (1 = ToFrom, 0 = FromTo)
- NetworkAllocationRestoreCenter
- Recover a stop handle from a route handle
- NetworkAngleApply
- Apply a network angle
- NetworkAngleGetImpedance
- Get impedance for an angle
- NetworkAngleSetImpedance
- Set impedance for an angle
- NetworkCalculateMultiRoute
- Calculate a multiroute from source node to destination nodes
- NetworkCenterAddCenter
- Add a center at a node
- NetworkCenterCalculateAllocationIn
- Calculate allocation in
- NetworkCenterCalculateAllocationOut
- Calculate allocation out
- NetworkCenterCloneHandle
- Duplicate a center handle
- NetworkCenterClose
- Close an open center handle
- NetworkCenterDeleteAllCenters
- Delete all centers
- NetworkCenterDeleteCenters
- Delete specific centers
- NetworkCenterGet
- Get center node given position
- NetworkCenterGetCapacity
- Get center capacity
- NetworkCenterGetCentersList
- Get list of centers
- NetworkCenterGetColor
- Get center color
- NetworkCenterGetImpedanceDelay
- Get center impedance delay
- NetworkCenterGetImpedanceLimit
- Get center impedance limit
- NetworkCenterGetNumberCenters
- Get number of centers
- NetworkCenterGetPosition
- Get center position given node
- NetworkCenterSetCapacity
- Set center capacity
- NetworkCenterSetColor
- Set center color
- NetworkCenterSetImpedanceDelay
- Set center impedance delay
- NetworkCenterSetImpedanceLimit
- Set center impedance limit
- NetworkClose
- Close an open network handle
- NetworkGetNumberOfTables
- Get number of tables of given type
- NetworkGetTableName
- Get a table name
- NetworkInit
- Create a (main) network handle
- NetworkInitCenter
- Create a center handle
- NetworkInitStop
- Create a stop handle
- NetworkLineGetDemand
- Get demand for a line
- NetworkLineGetDirectionState
- Get line direction state
- NetworkLineGetImpedance
- Get impedance for a line
- NetworkLineGetName
- Get line name
- NetworkLineGetNodeFrom
- Get the node a line is coming from
- NetworkLineGetNodeTo
- Get the node a line is going to
- NetworkLineGetNumberLines
- Get number of lines
- NetworkLineSetDemand
- Set demand for a line
- NetworkLineSetDirectionState
- Set line direction state
- NetworkLineSetImpedance
- Set impedance for a line
- NetworkMultiRouteClose
- Close an open network multiroute handle
- NetworkMultiRouteGetRoute
- Calculate a route from multiroute to destination node
- NetworkNodeGetBarrierState
- Get barrier state for a node (boolean)
- NetworkNodeGetName
- Get node name
- NetworkNodeGetNumberNodes
- Get number of nodes in network
- NetworkNodeSetBarrierState
- Set barrier state for a node
- NetworkReadAttributeTable
- Read an attribute table
- NetworkRouteClose
- Close an open route handle
- NetworkRouteGetLine
- Get a line from a position
- NetworkRouteGetLineDirection
- Get line direction
- NetworkRouteGetNode
- Get a node from a position
- NetworkRouteGetNumberOfLines
- Get number of lines in a route
- NetworkRouteGetNumberOfNodes
- Get number of nodes in a route
- NetworkRouteGetReport
- Get a text report from a route handle
- NetworkRouteGetResultLineList
- Get route result as line list
- NetworkRouteGetResultNodeList
- Get route result as node list
- NetworkRouteGetResultPointList
- Get route result as points
- NetworkRouteIsNodeStop
- Is a node a stop (boolean)
- NetworkRouteIsNodeTurn
- Is a node a turn (boolean)
- NetworkRouteRestoreStop
- Recover a stop handle from a route handle
- NetworkSetDefaultAttributes
- Set default attributes for a network
- NetworkStopAddStop
- Add a stop
- NetworkStopCalculateRoute
- Calculate a route from stop handle and route handle
- NetworkStopCloneHandle
- Copy a stop handle
- NetworkStopClose
- Close an open stop handle
- NetworkStopDeleteAllStops
- Delete all stops
- NetworkStopDeleteStops
- Delete specific stops
- NetworkStopGet
- Get a stop node given its position
- NetworkStopGetDemand
- Get demand for a stop
- NetworkStopGetNumberStops
- Get number of stops
- NetworkStopGetStopsList
- Get the stop list for a stop handle
- NetworkStopMove
- Move a stop (change stop list order)
- NetworkStopSetDemand
- Set demand for a stop
- NetworkTableIsTable
- Is a table of given type and name part of network (boolean)
- NetworkTableSetLineNameAsTableAndField
- Use table to set line names
- NetworkTurnGetAngle
- Get turn angle
- NetworkTurnGetImpedance
- Get turn impedance
- NetworkTurnSetImpedance
- Set turn impedance
- NetworkWriteAttributeTable
- Write an attribute table
- DBEditorCloseTable
- Close a table opened via DBEditor
- DBEditorCreate
- Creates a DBEDITOR handle for a given database.
- DBEditorDestroy
- Destroy a DBEDITOR handle created by DBEditorCreate().
- DBEditorModalSingleRecordView
- Pops up a modal dialog to edit a database record
- DBEditorOpenSingleRecordView
- Open single record view of a table
- DBEditorOpenTabularView
- Open a tabular view form of a table
- DBEditorSingleRecordWidgetCreate
- Create XmForm with controls to edit a database record
- DBEditorSingleRecordWidgetGetFieldNum
- Get a field value (numeric) from a Single Record Widget
- DBEditorSingleRecordWidgetGetFieldStr
- Get a field value (string) from a Sincle Record Widget
- DBEditorSingleRecordWidgetSaveChanges
- Save changes to a record in a SingleRecordWidget (returns record number)
- DBEditorSingleRecordWidgetSetField
- Set the value of a field in a Single Record Widget
- DBEditorSingleRecordWidgetSetRecord
- Load a record into a SingleRecordWidget
- ExportCAD
- Export a CAD using class derived from MieCAD class.
- ExportDatabase
- Export a database.
- ExportRaster
- Export a Raster using class derived from MieRASTER class.
- ExportTIN
- Export a TIN object.
- ExportVector
- Export a Vector using class derived from MieVECTOR class.
- ImportCAD
- Import a CAD using class derived from MieCAD class.
- ImportRaster
- Import a Raster using class derived from MieRASTER class.
- ImportTIN
- Import a TIN object.
- ImportVector
- Import a Vector using class derived from MieVECTOR class.
- BinaryRasterToRegion
- Convert a binary raster to a region
- ConvertCADToVector
- Convert a CAD object to vector
- ConvertRegionToVect
- Converts a Region to a Vector.
- ConvertTINToVector
- Convert a TIN object to a Vector object
- ConvertVectorPolysToRegion
- Converts selected Vector elements to a region.
- ConvertVectorPolyToRegion
- Converts single polygon to a region.
- ConvertVectToRegion
- Converts a Vector to a Region.
- RasterCompositeToHIS
- Convert a composite raster to Hue, Intensity, Saturation rasters.
- RasterCompositeToRGB
- Convert 24 bit composite Raster to RGB
- RasterRGBToComposite
- Convert RGB Rasters to 24 bit composite
- RasterToCADBound
- Convert Raster to Vector boundary.
- RasterToCADLine
- Convert Raster to CAD lines.
- RasterToTINIterative
- Converts elevation raster to TIN object as contour lines
- RasterToTINIterative2
- Converts elevation raster to TIN object as contour lines
- RasterToVectorBound
- Convert Raster to Vector boundary.
- RasterToVectorContour
- Converts elevation raster to vector object as contour lines
- RasterToVectorContour2
- Converts elevation raster to vector object as contour lines
- RasterToVectorLine
- Convert Raster to Vector lines.
- TINToRaster
- Converts TIN object to Raster object
- TINToVectorContour
- Converts TIN object to vector object as contour lines
- VectorElementToRaster
- Convert Vector element to a raster
- VectorToBufferZone
- Create buffer zone Vector from selected Vector elements of a given type, (or all elements of a given type).
- VectorToBufferZoneExt
- Create buffer zone Vector from selected Vector elements of a given type, (or all elements of a given type) dumping the result to the output vector.
- MorphCompliment
- Morphological compliment
- MorphCopy
- Morphological copy
- MorphDifference
- Morphological difference
- MorphDilation
- Enlarges shapes by expanding their boundaries, opposite of MorphErosion()
- MorphErosion
- Shrinks shapes by expanding their boundaries, opposite of MorphDilation()
- MorphIntersection
- Morphological intersection
- MorphTest
- Morphological test
- FocalFilter
- Filter raster with focal area
- FocalMajority
- Most frequently occurring value in focal area
- FocalMax
- Largest value in focal area
- FocalMean
- Average of cell values in focal area
- FocalMedian
- Median - (middle element of sorted list) of values in focal area
- FocalMin
- Smallest value in focal area
- FocalMinority
- Least frequently occurring cell value in focal area
- FocalSD
- Standard deviation of values in focal area
- FocalSlope
- Slope of elevation surface at focus of focal area
- FocalSum
- Sum of values in focal area
- FocalVariance
- Statistical variance of cell values in focal area
- FocalVariety
- Number of different cell values in focal area
- GlobalMax
- Largest value in raster object
- GlobalMean
- Average of cell values in raster object
- GlobalMedian
- The median cell value in the raster object
- GlobalMin
- Smallest value in entire raster
- GlobalMode
- The cell value occurring most often in the raster object
- GlobalMost
- The number of times the GlobalMode value occurs in the raster
- GlobalSD
- Standard deviation of values in raster object
- GlobalSum
- Sum of values in raster object
- GlobalVariance
- Statistical variance of cell values in raster object
- ClosestPointOnLine
- Find the closest point on a line to a given point.
- VectorAddLabel
- Add a label to a vector object
- VectorAddLine
- Adds a multiple vertex line to a vector object
- VectorAddNode
- Adds a node to a vector object
- VectorAddPoint
- Adds a point to a vector object
- VectorAddPolyLine
- Add a vector line/polygon from the given polyline
- VectorAddTwoPointLine
- Adds a line with only two vertices to a vector object
- VectorChangeLine
- Changes the vertices of an existing line in a vector object
- VectorChangeNode
- Changes the location of an existing node in a vector object
- VectorChangePoint
- Changes the location of an existing point in a vector object
- VectorDeleteDangleLines
- Delete dangling lines.
- VectorDeleteLabel
- Deletes a label from a vector object
- VectorDeleteLabels
- Deletes multiple labels from a vector object
- VectorDeleteLine
- Deletes a line from a vector object
- VectorDeleteLines
- Deletes mutiple lines from a vector object
- VectorDeleteNode
- Deletes a node from a vector object
- VectorDeleteNodes
- Deletes multiple nodes from a vector object
- VectorDeletePoint
- Deletes a point from a vector object
- VectorDeletePoints
- Deletes multiple points from a vector object
- VectorDeletePoly
- Deletes a polygon from a vector object
- VectorDeletePolys
- Deletes multiple polygons from a vector object
- VectorDeleteStdAttributes
- Delete standard attribute of a Vector object.
- VectorLineRayIntersection
- Find intersection of a ray and a Vector line.
- VectorRemoveBubblePolys
- Remove bubble polygons from the specified object
- VectorRemoveExcessNodes
- Remove excess nodes from the specified object
- VectorRemoveIslandPolygons
- Remove island polygons from the specified vector object
- VectorRemoveSliverPolys
- Remove sliver polygons from the vector object
- VectorSetFlags
- Sets optional flags for a given vector object
- VectorSetZValue
- Sets Z value for Vector element.
- VectorSplineLines
- Spline specified lines in the vector object
- VectorThinLines
- Thin specified lines in the vector object
- VectorUpdateStdAttributes
- Force update of standard attributes.
- VectorValidate
- Validate vector topology
- ClearRegion
- Clear the specified region
- CopyRegion
- Copies a region and optionally changes its georeference.
- GetInputRegion
- Popup dialog to select a Region object for input
- GetOutputRegion
- Open a Region for output via dialog.
- PointInRegion
- Test if a point is in a Region.
- ReadRegion
- Read a region from an rvc file
- RegionAND
- Create a Region that is the intersection of two Regions.
- RegionOR
- Create a Region that is the union of two Regions.
- RegionSubtract
- Subtract a Region from a Region.
- RegionTrans
- Convert a region using a transparm.
- RegionXOR
- Create a Region that is the exclusive or of two Regions.
- SaveRegion
- Saves a Region object
- WriteRegion
- Write the region to an rvc file
- RasterClassifyAdaptiveResonance
- Adaptive resonance (neural net) classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyAdaptiveResonanceWithMask
- Adaptive resonance (neural net) classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyFuzzyCMean
- Fuzzy C means classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyFuzzyCMeanWithMask
- Fuzzy C means classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyISODATA
- ISODATA classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyISODATAWithMask
- ISODATA classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyKMeans
- K means classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyKMeansWithMask
- K means classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyMaxLikelihood
- Maximum likelihood classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyMaxLikelihoodWithMask
- Maximum likelihood classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyMinAngle
- Minimum distribution angle classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyMinAngleWithMask
- Minimum distribution angle classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyMinDistanceToMean
- Minimum distance to mean classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyMinDistanceToMeanWithMask
- Minimum distance to mean classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifySelfOrganization
- Self organization (neural net) classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifySelfOrganizationWithMask
- Self organization (neural net) classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifyStepwiseLinear
- Stepwize linear classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifyStepwiseLinearWithMask
- Stepwize linear classification using mask raster
- RasterClassifySuitsMaxRelative
- Suits' maximum relative classification without mask raster
- RasterClassifySuitsMaxRelativeWithMask
- Suits' maximum relative classification using mask raster
- beep
- Sound a beep
- CheckCancel
- Forces the SML script to check the cancel button.
- clear
- Clear console
- input
- Prompt user for keyboard input of scalar
- input$
- Capture string input from keyboard
- print
- Sends unformated output to console
- printf
- Send formatted output to the console
- PrintMatrixToConsole
- Prints the matrix to the console.
- SetStatusBar
- Displays as status bar at the bottom of the SML Editor window
- SetStatusMessage
- Displays a message at the bottom of the SML Editor window
- ActivateGC
- Do subsequent drawing with a given graphics context
- CreateGCForDrawingArea
- Create a graphics context
- DestroyGC
- Destroy a graphics context
- DrawArc
- Draw an arc
- DrawArcChord
- Draw non-filled arc chord
- DrawArcWedge
- Draw non-filled arc wedge
- DrawCircle
- Draw a circle
- DrawEllipse
- Draw an ellipse
- DrawInterfaceText
- Draw text using the interface font
- DrawLocalBegin
- Overide current coordinate transformation matrix to local one
- DrawLocalEnd
- Restore coordinate transformation matrix to one before call to DrawLocalBegin()
- DrawPoint
- Draw single point
- DrawPolyLine
- Draw polyline
- DrawRect
- Draw a rectangle
- DrawRegion
- Draw non-filled Region
- DrawSetFillStyle
- Set fill style out of current style object
- DrawSetLineStyle
- Set line style out of current style object
- DrawSetPointStyle
- Set point style out of current style object
- DrawTextSetColors
- Set the colors for text drawing
- DrawTextSetFont
- Set font for text drawing
- DrawTextSetHeight
- Sets text height in coordinate units
- DrawTextSetHeightPixels
- Set text height
- DrawTextSimple
- Draw a text string
- DrawTo
- Draw line from current pen position to a point
- DrawUseDefaultStyleObject
- Reset style object to default
- DrawUseStyleObject
- Change the style object used for subsequent calls to SetStyle() functions
- FillArcChord
- Fill an arc chord with the current fill style
- FillArcWedge
- Fill an arc wedge with the current fill style
- FillCircle
- Fill a circle with the current fill style
- FillEllipse
- Fill an ellipse with the current fill style
- FillPolyLine
- Draw filled polyline with current fill mode
- FillRect
- Fill a rectangle with the current fill style
- FillRegion
- Fill a Region with the current fill style
- GetColorPixel
- Return a pixel value given a color
- GetNamedColor
- Return a COLOR given a color name from rgb.txt
- GetNamedColorPixel
- Return a pixel value given a color name from rgb.txt
- LineStyleSetPoints
- Draw a line with the current line style
- LineStyleSetRect
- Draws a Rectangle with current line style
- LineStyleSetRegion
- Draws a Region with current line style
- MoveTo
- Move pen
- SetColor
- Set color by color structure
- SetColorName
- Set color by name
- SetColorRGB
- Set color by red, green, blue values
- SetLineWidth
- Set the drawing line width
- AlignWidgets
- Used to make labels line up.
- CloseViewHistogram
- Close a histogram
- CreateButtonRow
- Create a button row
- CreateDrawingArea
- Create a drawing area.
- CreateForm
- Create a form
- CreateFormDialog
- Create a form dialog to put widgets in.
- CreateFrame
- Create a frame around widgets.
- CreateHorizontalSeparator
- Create a horizontal line on a dialog.
- CreateHTMLWidget
- Create an HTML widget
- CreateIconButtonRow
- Creates an icon button row
- CreateIconLabel
- Add an icon to a dialog.
- CreateIconPushButton
- Add an icon pushbutton to a dialog.
- CreateIconToggleButton
- Add an icon toggle button to a dialog.
- CreateLabel
- Create a label on a dialog.
- CreateList
- Create an XmList widget
- CreateMenuItem
- Create a menu item
- CreateModalFormDialog
- Create a modal form dialog to put widgets in.
- CreateOptionMenu
- Create an option menu
- CreatePromptNum
- Create a prompt for numeric value.
- CreatePromptStr
- Create a prompt for string value.
- CreatePushButton
- Create a (text) pushbutton.
- CreatePushButtonItem
- Create a button item.
- CreateRowColumn
- Creates a row/column form
- CreateScrolledList
- Create an XmScrolledWindow and XmList widget
- CreateScrolledWindow
- Creates a form with scroll bars
- CreateToggleButton
- Create a (text) toggle button.
- CreateToggleButtonItem
- Create a toggle button item.
- CreateToolTip
- Add a tooltip to a drawing area.
- CreateUnitOptionMenu
- Create an option menu for selecting units
- CreateVerticalSeparator
- Create a vertical line on a dialog.
- CreateViewHistogram
- Pop up a histogram of a Raster with an optional Region.
- DestroyToolTip
- Destroy tooltip.
- DestroyWidget
- Destroy a widget.
- DialogClose
- Close a dialog.
- DialogFullScreen
- Sets dialog to full screen mode
- DialogOpen
- Open a dialog.
- DialogToBottom
- Moves dialog to bottom of visible windows
- DialogToTop
- Moves dialog to top of visible windows
- DialogWaitForClose
- Wait for user to close given modal dialog.
- DialogWaitForOpen
- Wait for a dialog to open
- SetPopupDialogParent
- Set the parent widget for popup dialogs
- UpdateViewHistogram
- Force update of histogram to current Region.
- WidgetAddCallback
- Register function to call when an action happens on a widget.
- StatusContextCreate
- Create a status context from a status handle
- StatusContextDestroy
- Destroy a status context
- StatusDialogCreate
- Create a status dialog.
- StatusDialogDestroy
- Destroy a status dialog.
- StatusSetBar
- Set the value of a status bar
- StatusSetDefaultHandle
- Set the "current" status line.
- StatusSetMessage
- Set the text message for a status bar
- WatershedClose
- Close an open watershed handle
- WatershedCompute
- Computes different hydrological features depends on flags
- WatershedComputeElements
- Computes different hydrological elements as flow paths, basins, ridges depends on selected set of seed points and/or flags
- WatershedConvertRegionToMask
- Convert region given by filename and objectname to mask according an operation
- WatershedFillDepressions
- Fills depressions in different ways depends on selected set of watersheds with depressions and/or flags
- WatershedGetBasin
- Get current basin value
- WatershedGetBranch
- Get current branch value
- WatershedGetIDOfWatershedPolygonForVectorPolygon
- Get watershed polygon ID in watershed system for given vector polygon element ID
- WatershedGetInlet
- Get current inlet value
- WatershedGetMask
- Get mask as filename and objname
- WatershedGetNumberOfDoublePours
- Get number of double pour points in watershed system
- WatershedGetNumberOfObjects
- Get number of output objects that were calculated
- WatershedGetNumberOfPours
- Get number of pour points in watershed system
- WatershedGetNumberOfVectorPolygons
- Get number of vector polygons in watershed system
- WatershedGetNumberOfWatershedPolygons
- Get number of watershed polygons in watershed system
- WatershedGetNumberOfWatershedPolygonsWithDepression
- Get number of watershed polygons with depression in watershed system
- WatershedGetObject
- Get specified output object as filename and objname
- WatershedGetOutlet
- Get current outlet value
- WatershedGetPour
- Get pour object
- WatershedGetStatus
- Get status of watershed process
- WatershedGetWatershedPolygon
- Get watershed polygon object
- WatershedInit
- Initialize watershed (returns handle)
- WatershedIsValleySeparated
- Is valley set separated
- WatershedMaskInverseValue
- Inverse value for all cells in mask
- WatershedMaskSetValue
- Set value for all cells in mask
- WatershedPolygonClose
- Close an open watershed polygon handle
- WatershedPolygonGetIDOfLowerPour
- Get ID of lower pour point by index
- WatershedPolygonGetIDOfUpperPour
- Get ID of upper pour point by index
- WatershedPolygonGetIDOfVectorPolygon
- Get element ID of vector polygon by index
- WatershedPolygonGetMaxZ
- Get maximum z value inside watershed
- WatershedPolygonGetMinZ
- Get minimum z value inside watershed
- WatershedPolygonGetNumberOfLowerPours
- Get number of lower pours in watershed
- WatershedPolygonGetNumberOfUpperPours
- Get number of upper pours in watershed
- WatershedPolygonGetNumberOfVectorPolygons
- Get number of vector polygons in watershed
- WatershedPolygonGetZ
- Get minimum z value on watershed boundary
- WatershedPolygonHasDepression
- Does watershed polygon have a depression
- WatershedPolygonIsValid
- Is watershed polygon valid
- WatershedPourClose
- Close an open watershed pour handle
- WatershedPourGetElementIDOfVectorPoint
- Get element ID of vector point
- WatershedPourGetLeftWatershed
- Get left watershed ID
- WatershedPourGetPoint
- Get location of pour point as POINT3D in original DEM coordinates
- WatershedPourGetRightWatershed
- Get right watershed ID
- WatershedPourGetType
- Get type of pour
- WatershedPourIsValid
- Is pour valid
- WatershedSetBasin
- Set value as current basin value
- WatershedSetBranch
- Set value as current branch value
- WatershedSetInlet
- Set value as current inlet value
- WatershedSetMask
- Set mask from extrnal binary raster by filename and objname
- WatershedSetOutlet
- Set value as current outlet value
- WatershedSetValleySeparation
- Set valley separation by given value
- SurfaceFitBidirectional
- Surface fit by Bidirectional method
- SurfaceFitInverseDistance
- Surface fit by inverse distance method
- SurfaceFitMinimumCurvature
- Surface fit by minimum curvature method
- SurfaceFitPolynomial
- Surface fit by polynomial method
- SurfaceFitProfiles
- Surface fit by profiles method
- SurfaceFitTINLinear
- Surface fit TIN by linear method
- SurfaceFitTINQuintic
- Surface fit TIN by quintic method
- SurfaceFitTriangulation
- Surface fit by triangulation method
- LineStyleAddToOptimizer
- Tabulate text string placement and dimension information and optimize label placement for point labels
- LineStyleDrawArc
- Draw an arc centered at location referenced from current position
- LineStyleDrawArrow
- Draw an arrow from current position to specified point
- LineStyleDrawCircle
- Draw a circle centered on the current position
- LineStyleDrawCone
- Draw a cone with the specified dimensions and fill color
- LineStyleDrawCube
- Draw a rectangular solid shape with the specified dimensions and fill color
- LineStyleDrawCylinder
- Draw a vertical cylinder with the specified dimensions and fill color
- LineStyleDrawEllipse
- Draw an ellipse centered at location referenced from current position
- LineStyleDrawLine
- Draw complete line element using currently set color and width
- LineStyleDrawPolygon
- Draw a polygon from previously recorded sequence of points
- LineStyleDrawPolyline
- Draw a polyline connecting previously recorded sequence of points
- LineStyleDrawRectangle
- Draw a rectangle
- LineStyleDrawText
- Draw a text string with specified height and orientation
- LineStyleDrawTextBox
- Draw a text string in a rectangular bounding box
- LineStyleDrawThreePointArc
- Draw an arc centered at current location and passing through three points referenced from current position
- LineStyleDropAnchor
- Remember the current 'pen' position (anchor number) for later use
- LineStyleGetDirection
- Get minimum and maximum direction angles for portion of line starting at current position
- LineStyleGetDistanceTo
- Distance from current position to specified feature
- LineStyleGetLineCurvature
- Find maximum deviation angles between successive line segments for portion of line element starting at current position.
- LineStyleGetMaxDistance
- Find maximum perpendicular distance from specified portion of line to a straight line joining its start and end points.
- LineStyleGetPosition
- Record the current line position as a distance from the line beginning
- LineStyleIsClosed
- Tests the current line closure
- LineStyleLineTo
- Draw a line from the current 'pen' position to the specified location
- LineStyleLineToAnchor
- Draw a line from the current 'pen' position to the prevously anchored position
- LineStyleMoveTo
- Move 'pen' (without drawing) to specified location
- LineStyleMoveToAnchor
- Move 'pen' to specified anchor
- LineStyleNextVertex
- Move the current 'pen' position to the next vertex on the line element
- LineStylePrevVertex
- Move the current 'pen' position to the previous vertex on the line element
- LineStyleRecordPolygon
- Start or stop recording a sequence of vertex locations for later use in drawing a polygon or polyline
- LineStyleRestoreLine
- Restore original line coordinates
- LineStyleRoll
- Move the current position specified distance along a line (the line is not drawn)
- LineStyleRollPen
- Draw a line a specified distance along a line from the current position
- LineStyleSetCapJoinType
- Set square or rounded ends for lines and polyline segments
- LineStyleSetColor
- Set RGB color values for line color.
- LineStyleSetCoordType
- Set the coordinate type for input distances
- LineStyleSetFont
- Set the font (by name)
- LineStyleSetLineWidth
- Set the drawing line width
- LineStyleSetPosition
- Move a specified distance along line relative to line length
- LineStyleSetScale
- Set a scale factor to be applied to all input distances and lengths
- LineStyleSetTextColor
- Set the text foreground and background colors as RGB
- LineStyleSideshot
- Specify sequence of positions by direction and distance from current pen position
- LineStyleSpline
- Spline vector line elements (smooth by inserting additional vertices)
- LineStyleTextNextPosition
- Compute length and end position of text string
- LineStyleThinLine
- Thin (simplify) vector line elements by removing vertices
Total Number of Functions: 1084